Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
of the Russian Federation
Russian Academy of Sciences
Department of power engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes
The Research Center for Nonlinear Wave Mechanics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NWMTC) has been established as independent research organization under the leadership of Academician Rivner F. Ganiev in 1995. At present the NWMTC is included as a Branch into the Federal Budget-Funded Research Institute for Machine Science named after A.A.Blagonravov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN).
Academician Rivner F.Ganiev is a Scientific Supervisor of the NWMTC, he is a famous scientist in the field of applied mathematics, theoretical and applied mechanics. He has carried out a number of significant research into nonlinear mechanics and mechanical engineering, in various fields of technology, he is the author of more than 300 publications, including 15 monographs, more than 100 inventions and patents. Academician R.Ganiev is the creator of a new area of mechanics – nonlinear wave mechanics and of scientific fundamentals for wave technology intended for intensification of technological processes in industry.
In the Russian Academy of Sciences the NWMTC is the leading research center in the field of theory for nonlinear oscillations of multiphase systems. Wave mechanics of multiphase systems - a new area of mechanics, has been developed by the staff of the NWMTC. Actually a whole number of nonlinear wave oscillatory phenomena and effects has been discovered, which are of significant applied importance.
The main results of nonlinear wave mechanics and technology are published both in the numeral scientific articles and monographs of the NWMTC' s research staff and are defended by the Russian and foreign patents [1-10]. While developing nonlinear wave mechanics and technology, there has been discovered a whole number of wave and oscillatory phenomena and effects that are laid in the basis of highly efficient wave technology which is applied to many branches of industry, for instance: machine-building, oil and gas industry, ecology, chemical technology, materials science, civil engineering, food industry, etc.
Highly efficient wave technology either in principle can not be implemented using earlier known methods, or it has the potential to intensify repeatedly (10-50 times) the existing ones.
In its essence, wave technology is a competitive national advantage of Russia at the world technological market and is a basis for performing the wide-scale innovations in different branches of industry, offering solutions to technological problems based on wave phenomena and effects.
Depending on characteristics of specific technologies and industrial facilities, there exist many variants for implementation of wave technology, - starting from completely fabricated wave technological facilities and up to modernization of existing lines by adding to these lines the wave machines and devices that change radically their productivity, increasing it and also raising quality of manufactured items and reducing power consumption.
In the given material there are in brief presented only separate wave machines and devices implementing technology to a number of industries, as well as there are described propellers for wave machines and devices, which are the main core units, thus “a heart” for these wave machines.