Main Fundamental Works

Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of Sciences

Department of power engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes

Mechanical Engineering Research
Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences

  • русский
  • english

 Main Fundamental Works of Research Fellows of Machines Mechanics & Control Dept.

Крайнев А.Ф. Машиноведение на языке схем, рисунков и чертежей (в 2-х книгах). - М.: Издательский дом Спектр. Кн. 1: Технологии, машины и оборудование. Крайнев А.Ф. Машиноведение на языке схем, рисунков и чертежей (в 2-х книгах). - М.: Издательский дом Спектр. Кн. 2: Детали машин, соединения и механизмы.
Krainev A.F. Machines Science in the Language of  Schematics, Drawings and Diagrams (in 2 books). - M .: The "Spectrum" Publishing House, Book. 1: Technologies, machinery and equipment.
Book. 2: Machine parts, connections and mechanisms. 296 + 216 pp., 2010.
For the first time, machines science is presented as a set of fundamental knowledge (for the creation of machines) in a computer graphics language that is understandable and accessible to engineers and scientists around the world.
This work is the development of the works of the author "Mechanics from the Greek mexhanike (techne) - the art of building machines." The fundamental dictionary of 2000 and 2001 And "Design Ideology" in 2003, was performed on examples from the "Computer Bank of Schemes and Constructive Solutions", created by the author for 15 years (the collection of source materials was carried out for 50 years).
The logic of the appearance and development of various technical solutions obtained over more than three millennia is given. The information on 2500 designs of machines, mechanisms, connections, details and technological processes is systematized. The transformation of the most ancient inventions into the most complex modern systems is demonstrated. The interrelations between the creative design, the scheme, the construction and the character of the physical interaction of the links are revealed.
The processes and equipment of foundry production, processing of materials by pressure and cutting are considered in a logical sequence. The development of the design of presses, processing machines and tools, power, transport, lifting, handling, loading and digging machines is given (Book 1). The tendencies in improving the details of machines, their stationary and mobile connections, transfer and manipulating mechanisms, vibration protection devices and systems, self-aligning suspensions of machines and aggregates (Book 2) are analyzed. It has been established and demonstrated (on a number of examples) the interdependence of the creation of new materials, technologies and structures.
The selection and orientation of the above examples of design are designed to form the reader's creative approach to the solution of various scientific and technical problems, to formulate the topic and choose research methods in the field of science "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines", "Machines Science, Drive Systems and Machine Parts" "Engineering geometry and computer graphics", etc.
The richest source of information is intended for engineering, technical and scientific workers as the main source material for the further development and improvement of methods for synthesizing structural diagrams of machines, drive systems, mechanisms and joints, for the creation of new structures.
Крайнев А.Ф. Техника и технологии в историческом и логическом развитии.
Krainev A.F. Engineering and Technologies in Historical and Logical Development. - M .: The "Spectrum" Publishing House, 576 pages, 2009.
The language of drawings, drawings, models and circuits (computer graphics and design executed by the author) is understandable and accessible to engineers from all over the world. The logic of the appearance and development of various technical solutions created over more than three millennia is given.
The information on 2500 designs of machines, mechanisms, connections, details, constructions and processes is given. The transformation of the most ancient inventions into the most complex modern systems is demonstrated. Established interdependence of the creation of new materials, technologies and structures.
The processes and equipment of foundry production, processing of materials by pressure and cutting are considered in a logical sequence. The development of the design of presses, processing machines, tools, power, transport, lifting, earth-drilling and earth-working machines is given. The tendencies of improving fastening and moving joints of machine parts, seals, transfer and manipulating mechanisms, vibro-protective and self-aligning suspensions of machines and units are analyzed.
Using examples of strength and stability, perfection and shortcomings of individual structures of buildings and structures (past and present) are demonstrated.
In the part concerning beauty and convenience, development of design ideas for the processing equipment, transport and other machines is shown.
Astashev, V.K., Babitsky, V.I. Ultrasonic Processes and Machines. Dynamics, Control and Applications.

Astashev, V.K., Babitsky, V.I. Ultrasonic Processes and Machines. Dynamics, Control and Applications.
332 p., 2007, Springer.

This work presents the foundations of dynamics and control for ultrasonic processing systems. The intention is to bridge the gap between theory and the practical application of ultrasonic technology.
This book considers ultrasonic systems as special vibratory machines that function by exploiting nonlinear dynamic processes. Recommendations are given for designing and tuning ultrasonic machines.
The ultrasonic machines analysed are predominantly concerned with the processing of solids. Applications include: ultrasonic erosion, ultrasonic hardening, ultrasonic welding, ultrasonically assisted plastic deformation, ultrasonically assisted turning, and ultrasonically assisted drilling.
This book is intended for advanced students, engineers and researchers who are involved with the study, design and application of ultrasonic processing systems. Lecturers and students should also find useful examples of practical analysis and the application of nonlinear dynamical systems subjected to high frequency vibration.

Корендясев А.И., Саламандра Б.Л., Тывес Л.И. Теоретические основы робототехники. Книга 1 Корендясев А.И., Саламандра Б.Л., Тывес Л.И. Теоретические основы робототехники. Книга 2
Korendyasev A.I., Salamandra B.L., Tyves L.I. Theoretical Foundations of Robotics. In two books; Executive Editor Kaplunov S.M. - Moscow: Nauka Publishers, 383 + 376 pp., 2006.


The monograph is a fundamental publication in two books devoted to the theoretical fundamentals of robotics and the practical aspects of designing robots. Each of the thirteen chapters of the publication contains an overview of the most striking works in the relevant areas that have had a significant impact on the development of robot science. The first book examines the functional mechanisms and systems of industrial robots, the structure, kinematics and statics of the mechanical arm, as well as the precision and dynamic models of industrial robots.
Igor L. Krivts, German V. Krejnin. Pneumatic Actuating Systems for Automatic Equipment.

Igor L. Krivts, German V. Krejnin. Pneumatic Actuating Systems for Automatic Equipment.
345 p., 2006, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.

Structure and Design describes novel constructions along with many of the most commonly applied pneumatic actuating systems. Covering everything from underlying principles to mechanics, parameter calculation, and control algorithms, this book uses real-world-tested designs to fully illustrate the systems and components presented. After an in-depth discussion of the various types of pneumatic actuators and electropneumatic control valves, the authors explain how to determine the system state variables and then examine open-loop and closed-loop pneumatic actuating systems in detail. They emphasize both the construction and dynamics of actuators to demonstrate and verify their properties before implementation.

Крайнев А.Ф. Идеология конструирования.
Krainev A.F. The Ideology of Designing. - M .: Mechanical engineering. 386 pp., 2003.
The presented monograph contains a system of principles, tendencies and ideas for improving the structures (structure, geometry) of objects in the artificial world. From known analogues, it is distinguished by a new concept of the theory of mechanisms and machines. The essence of the new concept is the choice or synthesis of the structural scheme, in which the most perfect constructive solutions are encoded (by analogy with the chromosome). Such a choice or synthesis causes a more accurate and correct interconnection of schematic representations, constructive solutions (taking into account gaps, manufacturing errors, deformations, friction), materials and manufacturing technology. Using this system, you can not only choose the best schemes and designs from among the known ones, but also create new, more sophisticated devices.


The content of the main sections is based on examples from a computer databank of schemes and design solutions, compiled by the author of this monograph. The methodology of stockpiling the databank is enlisted, and its individual fragments are given.
Babitsky, V.I., Krupenin, V.L. Vibration of Strongly Nonlinear Discontinuous Systems.

Babitsky, V.I., Krupenin, V.L. Vibration of Strongly Nonlinear Discontinuous Systems.
397 p., 2001, Springer.

This monograph addresses the systematic representation of the methods of analysis developed by the authors as applied to such systems. Particular features of dynamic processes in such systems are studied. Special attention is given to an analysis of different resonant phenomena taking unusual and diverse forms.

Astashev, V.K., Babitsky, V.I., Kolovsky, M.Z. Dynamics and Control of Machines.

Astashev, V.K., Babitsky, V.I., Kolovsky, M.Z. Dynamics and Control of Machines.
233 p., 2000, Springer.

Basic models and concepts of machine dynamics and motion control are presented in the order of the principal steps of machine design. The machine is treated as a coupled dynamical system, including drive, mechanisms and controller, to reveal its behavior at different regimes through the interaction of its units under dynamic and processing loads. The main dynamic effects in machines are explained. The influence of component compliances on accuracy, stability and efficiency of the machines is analyzed. Methods for decreasing internal and external vibration activity of machines are described. The dynamic features of digital control are considered. Special attention is given to machines with intense dynamic behavior: resonant and hand-held percussion ones.

Крайнев А.Ф. Механика машин. Фундаментальный словарь.
Krainev A.F. Mechanics of Machines. The Fundamental Dictionary. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 904 pp., 1 st ed. 2000; 2 nd ed. 2001
In a short and popular form, a set of fundamental knowledge on the art of designing machines is presented. The dictionary contains information about modern mechanisms, actuators, systems and elements of control, geometry and materials of parts and joints, technological processes. The essence is revealed and more than 2000 names of various objects of engineering and technology are illustrated, about 4000 examples of schemes and design solutions are given. The main provisions of analysis, synthesis of mechanical systems, the principles of choosing rational design solutions, techniques for ensuring high quality of products are given. There are information about the properties, phenomena and patterns that characterize the structure, manufacture and functioning of machines. The equivalents of the names of articles in English are given, the thematic index-classifier of terms and concepts is given.
Крайнев А.Ф. Словарь-справочник по механизмам.
Krainev A.F. Dictionary and Reference-Book on Mechanisms. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 560 p.; 1 st ed. - 1981 Circulation of 76 thousand copies; 2 nd ed. - 1987. The circulation of 100 thousand copies.
Terms, notations, schemes of mechanisms and their elements, as well as information on the interaction of elements, parameters and characteristics of mechanisms, principles of circuit design and choice of constructive solutions are given. About 2000 schemes and mechanisms are given. The 2nd edition has been revised and supplemented with information on modern mechanisms used in automatic systems, robots, drives, transmissions and executive devices.
Statnikov R.B. and Statnikov A.R. The Parameter Space Investigation Method Toolkit. Boston/London: Artech House, 2011.
Statnikov R.B. and Matusov J.B. Multicriteria Analysis in Engineering. Dordrecht/ Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
Statnikov R.B. Multicriteria Design: Optimization and Identification. Dordrecht/ Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
Statnikov R.B. and Matusov J.B. Multicriteria Optimization and Engineering. New York: Chapman & Hall, 1995.