Popular Science and Educational Literature

Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of Sciences

Department of power engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes

Mechanical Engineering Research
Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences

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for english » Research Departments » Department of Mechanics and Control of Machines » Popular Science and Educational Literature

 The Main Educational and Non-fiction Books of Research Fellows of the department "Mechanics of machines and machine control"

Теория механизмов и машин. Курсовое проектирование : учеб. пособие / под. ред. Тимофеева Г.А. (МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана) и Умнова Н.В. (ИМАШ РАН).
Theory of Mechanisms and Machines. Course Design: Textbook. Ed. by Timofeev G.A. (MSTU named after NE Bauman) and Umnov N.V. (IMASH RAN). - Moscow: MGTU n.a. N.E. Bauman. 154 pages, 2010.
The main sections of the discipline Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, covering structural analysis and kinematic synthesis of mechanisms, their kinematic and dynamic studies, as well as the synthesis of gears and the projection of planetary and cam mechanisms, are briefly presented. Methods and examples of the implementation of the course project sheets using the AutoCAD, KOMPAS and MathCAD mathematical software packages are presented.
The content of the textbook corresponds to the course of lectures, read at the MGTU n.a. N.E. Bauman. For students of the 3rd year of engineering specialties, performing a course project (or work) in the discipline "Theory of Mechanisms & Machines."
Крайнев А.Ф. Путешествие к истокам машиностроения.
Krainev A.F. Journey to the Origins of Engineering. - M .: Drofa.
272 pages, 2008.
Together with fairy-tale heroes - Magick, Robik and Dima, you will visit famous scientists and inventors. Take a fascinating journey into the past and trace the development of mechanical engineering from the first devices for obtaining fire to modern machines for precise processing.
The book is addressed to a wide range of readers.
Крайнев А.Ф. Первое путешествие в царство машин.
Krainev A.F. The First Journey into the Realm of Machines. - M .: Drofa.176 pages, 2007.
Dima, Robik and Magik invite readers to make an extraordinary trip. Together with the heroes you will visit the test site, in the cockpit of a jet plane, in a tank ... You will learn how the sunken ships are raised and how the helicopter flies. Track the way of development of mechanisms from the lever to the crane, from the screw to the turbojet engine. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers.
Крайнев А.Ф. Удивительная механика.
Krainev A.F.  An Amazing Mechanics. - M .: Mechanical Engineering.
120 pages, 2005. In brief and popular form, mainly in the form of colorful drawings, initial information about the physical phenomena and laws of processes occurring in modern machines is given.
It is told how to deal with friction, inertia and vibrations and how amazingly they serve a person. A large number of examples show the transformation of a simple lever into the most complicated mechanisms and no less surprising transformation of a wedge into a screw, a fan, into a screw of a meat grinder, into a helicopter rotor and even into a turbofan engine.
Presented are the "transparent" elevator, escalator, crane and excavator, press, internal combustion engine, gearbox, hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor, hydroelectric power station, processing machine and much more.
In the above explanations we managed to do without mathematical formulas. The book is designed for a wide range of readers, including students.
To understand the solutions presented, one does not need to be an expert in this field, it is enough to have the most elementary knowledge of physics.
Алешин А.К. Колебания в технологических машинах.
Aleshin A.K. Oscillations in Technological Machines. Moscow: MSTU "Stankin", 228 pages, 1999.
The textbook presents the basic information from the theory of oscillations. The main types of oscillatory processes, distinguished by the physical unity of the phenomena under study, are considered. The main attention is paid to mechanical vibrations of machine elements and mechanisms.
For students of engineering specialties studying the course "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines" under a program that includes the fundamentals of the theory of oscillations in mechanisms.
Крупенин В.Л., Веприк А.М. Датчики в машиностроении. М.: Знание.
Krupenin V.L., Veprik A.M. Sensors in Mechanical Engineering. Collective book. - M .: Knowledge. (New in life, science, technology, "Technique", No. 7), 64 pp., 1989.
A person is blind and deaf before the world of technology, which he created. But hearing and sight were replaced by all sorts of sensors. They accompany technical systems everywhere: in the boiling waves of molten metal, in the freezing embraces of low temperatures, in the great silence of the cosmic space, in the mysterious depths of the Earth. The specific capabilities of this new signaling system are described in a brochure designed  for a wide range of readers.
Бабицкий В.И., Крупенин В.Л. Машины ударного действия. М.: Знание.
Babitsky V.I., Krupenin V.L. Impact Machines. M .: Knowledge.
(New in life, science, technology, "Technique", No. 6)
64 pp., 1985.
We are talking about the place and role of impact machines (tamping machines, pile driving machines, crushers, impact wrenches, etc.) in the practice of our day, as well as on the technology of the XXI century - resonant vibro-impact devices. Specific examples, figures, facts are given.
The brochure is intended for engineers, students, listeners and teachers of people's universities and everyone who is interested in technology.
I.M. Sobol and R.B. Statnikov. The best solutions: where to look for them. Moscow: 
I.M. Sobol and R.B. Statnikov. The Selection of Optimal Parameters in Problems with Many Criteria. Moscow: Science, 1981.
(allowed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions).

Multicriteria Optimization Group of the IMASH RAN has prepared textbooks and lecture courses on:

Multicriteria Optimization.  Method of IPP in the Learning Process:
- For the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School (similar to the Naval Academy): the Course of Lectures on Multicriteria Analysis in Engineering: Design and Identification, which was delivered by Prof. R.B. Statnikov  in 2004-2010;
- A course of lectures for Bundeswehr University Munich in Germany is being prepared;
- In Russia at the Higher School of Economics in 2011, a Course of Lectures devoted to the Construction and Analysis of an Acceptable Set of Solutions (was delivered by Prof. R.B.Statnikov), a course of lectures was given at the Moscow Automotive Mechanics Institute (MAMI), in Brazil Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (were delivered by Prof. R.B.Statnikov,), etc.