Educational Activity

Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of Sciences

Department of power engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes

Mechanical Engineering Research
Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences

  • русский
  • english
Educational Activities
Training and tutoring of  Ph. D. students on specialties "Fracture Mechanics" and "Dynamics, Strength of Machines, Devices and Equipment" and "Friction and Wear of Machines".
Research and Education Center (NOTs) "Risks Analysis of  Technogenic Safety" was established within frames of the Dept. jointly with the  Moscow State Technical University "MAMI" in 2009;  our Center won a tender for obtaining a state contract in the framework of the Federal Target Program "Research and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia 2009-2013".
Since 2010 the Department has been involved in the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Research and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia for 2008-2013", and the Dept. had concluded a state contract with the Ministry of Education & Science of the Russian Federation.

International innovation-oriented conference of young scientists and students "Future Engineering of Russia" (MIKMUS-2010) was organized and held in October 26-29, 2 010 within frames of work on of the Federal Target Program "Research and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia 2009-2013".