Main Scientific Results and Achievements

Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of Sciences

Department of power engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes

Mechanical Engineering Research
Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences

  • русский
  • english
Main Scientific Results and Achievements
  •  A multilevel hierarchical system of complex models and failure criteria of structural materials under extreme physical and mechanical effects has been created to provide and improve systems performance and to extend service life and survivability for machines and structures.
  • The methods of theoretical and experimental physical-mechanical simulation of damage and failure of structural elements under complex stress state have been developed, capable of predicting the limit state, the allowable levels of service life, vitality and safety of high-risk facilities that have defects.
  •  Analytical model of state of complex engineering facilities has been calculated on the basis of the method of generalized limiting states that can determine the probability of failure in the system.
  •  Experimental means and techniques have been improved for control of thermally loaded TPP and NPP equipment.
  • The methods of experimental and numerical study into the strength and service life of modern structural materials and machine parts have been worked out with the aim of studying and obtaining some advanced technologies for development of civil and defense products with enhanced properties of survivability, safety and security.
  • The implementation of scientific achievements while developing complex engineering interfaces for reactors, thermonuclear and nuclear units of various types, for steam turbines, flying vehicles designed for civil and military purposes, as well as for main and field oil and gas pipelines, railway transport facilities, etc.
R & D Projects of the Dept. of Strength, Survivability and Safety of Machines,
carried-out  in 2010-2014
 1. "Development of Scientific and Methodological Recommendations on Security and Risk       Analysis for Facilities of Technical Control Conducted by OAO “Gazprom" (the project was carried out in 2011, the  Customer - OAO "Gazprom",  the project developing  team – scientists from the Lab. of  Sc. D. (Eng.), Prof. G.V.   Moskvitin)
2. "Development of Fundamental Calculative Methods for Hydraulic Turbines Service Life  at the Multi-Frequency Loading" (the project  was carried out in 2012, the Customer - OAO "Power Machines", the Project Leader - Associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN), Prof. N.A. Makhutov, the project developing group – researchers from the Lab. of  Sc. D. (Eng.), Prof. I.A.Razumovsky( in collaboration with several other laboratories of  IMASH RAN).
3. "Research of Reliability and Service Life of Flanges" (the project was carried out in 2011, the Customer - OAO "Power Machines", the Project Leader - Associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN), Sc. D. (Engineering), Prof. N.A. Makhutov, project developing  scientists – from the Lab. of Prof. I.A.Razumovsky  in collaboration with other several laboratories of IMASH RAN).
4. "Study of Holes Manufacturing Techniques Impact on Residual Stress in the Stress Concentration Area Using Optical Interferometry" (completion of works - in 2012, the Customer –  All-Russia Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM), the project developing group – from the Lab. of Prof. I.A. Razumovsky).
5. "Development and Validation of the Requirements for Protective Systems Using the Criteria of Acceptable and Marginal Risk of Critical Infrastructure Facilities of Enhanced Service Life and of High Safety While Implementing Pilot Projects for Integrated Security Systems of Livelihoods of the Population" (the term of the project - 2011-2015, the customer Emergency Situations Ministry, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the project developing team – from the Lab. of Prof. R.S. Ahmethanov).
6. Development of "Risk Analysis Procedure for Railway Transport Facilities" Section of Risk Analysis Guidelines for the Railway Infrastructure of "the Russian Railways" JSC . (the project was carried out  in 2011, the customer – "the Russian Railways" JSC, developing research team – from the Lab. of Prof. R.S.Ahmethanov.).
7. "Scientific and Technological Prediction of Russia's Economy Development Regarding the New World Integration Processes" (project was carried out in 2011, the customer - Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (research program № 30, the project developing group – scientists of the Lab. of  Prof. R.S. Ahmethanov).
8. "Development of Criteria Fundamentals both for Structural Materials Science and for Reinforcement Technologies to Enhance Reliability and Service Life of Engineering Facilities  of the "Russian Railways"(term of the project - 2012-13, the customer – "the Russian Railways" JSC, the project developing group – scientists of the Lab. of Prof. Yu.G. Matvienko).
9."Development of New Methods for Determining the Refined Comprehensive Characteristics of Strength, Service Life and Survivability of the Elements of Infrastructure and of Rolling Stock of the "Russian Railways" JSC with Improved Operating Parameters" (the project term - 2012-13, the Customer -  the "Russian Railways"  JSC, the project developing group – scientists of the Lab. of Prof. Yu.G. Matvienko).
10. "Analysis of Current Destruction Models of RMB with Defects and Damages" (the project was carried out in 2012, the customer – "TsAGI", the Project Leader - Prof. Yu.G. Matvienko,  research laboratories involved in the project - of Professors Yu.G. Matvienko, G.V. Moskvitin,  A.N. Polilov, I.A. Razumovsky, A.V. Fomin).
11. "Development of Methodology, Preparation of Strain Measurement of HRSG Kirishi SDPS Drum System and Conducting  Research under Hydraulic Tests" (the project was carried out in 2012, the customer - JSC "EMAlyans", the project developing group – scientists of the Lab. of Prof. A.V. Fomin).
12. "Mathematical Model Development for Calculating the Damage Accumulation Mechanism of Fretting Fatigue" ( the project was carried out in 2010, the customer - JSC "OKBM - Afrikantov ',  the project developing group – scientists of the Lab. of Prof. S.M. Kaplunov).
13. "Adaptation of Methodologies and of Durability Assessment Program at the Fretting Wear and Fretting Fatigue for Computational Studies of Their Impact on the Service Life Characteristics of RP Equipment" (he project was carried out in 2011, the customer - JSC "OKBM - Afrikantov ',  the project developing team – scientists of the Lab. of Prof. S.M. Kaplunov).
14. "Research Conducted by the Research and Educational Center of IMASH of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Field of Reducing the Risk and Consequences of Natural Calamities and Man-Made Disasters" (the project was carried out in 2011, the customer- Minobranauki , the Project Leader – the Assosiate member of RAN, Prof. N.A. Makhutov,  the project developing team – scientists of the Lab. of Prof. A.N. Polilov).
15. "Non-linear Modeling of Deformation and Fracture of Bodies with Blunt Cuts Taking into Account the Volumetric State of Stress" (the term of the project -  2010-12. The customer – the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFFI), the project leader - Prof. Yu.G. Matvienko)
16. "Structural Strength Models and Criteria, Based on the Volumetric Method" (the term of the project - 2012-13. The customer – RFFI,  the project leader - Prof. Yu.G. Matvienko)
17. "An analysis of the Stress-Deformed and Limiting States in Connection with the Estimates of the Strength and Service Life" (Terms of the project - 2011-12. The customer – RFFI,  the project leader – Associate member of RAN, Sc. D. (Eng.), Prof. N.A. Makhutov).
18. "Criteria and Methods of Computational and Experimental Validation of the Special Requirements to Materials for Heavy-Duty Machinery & Equipment Taking into Account the Complex Operational Loading Conditions" (terms of the project - 2011 -12 years, the Customer – the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFFI), the Project Leader – Associate member of RAN, Sc. D. (Eng.), Prof. N.A. Makhutov).
19. "Basic Research of Dynamic Processes of Operational Impacts, Damage Accumulation and Destruction of Engineering Facilities for Predicting the Service Life and Reliability at the Design Stage" (terms of the project - 2012 -13 years, the Customer – the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFFI), the Project Leader – Associate member of RAN, Sc. D. (Eng.), Prof. N.A. Makhutov).
20. "Multivariate Analysis of Dynamic Processes of Loading and Damage to Engineering Systems"  (terms of the project - 2010 -12 years, the Customer – the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFFI), the project developing group – scientists of the Lab. of  Prof. R.S. Ahmethanov).
21. "Modeling and Evaluation of Aerodynamic Loads on the Elements of the Infrastructure During the Transportation of Freight Trains (through Railway Station Structures and Facilities, Bridges and Tunnels)" (terms of the project -  2011 -12 years, the Customer - the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFFI), the Project Leader – Sc. D. (Eng.),  Prof.  S.M. Kaplunov).

22. "Computational and Experimental Studies into Survivability Characteristics of Structural Materials Under Non-Stationary Cyclic Loading with Operational Overloads"  (terms of the project -  2012 -14 years, the Customer – the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFFI), the Project Leader – Sc. D. (Engineering),  Prof. G.V. Moskvitin).