
Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of Sciences

Department of power engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes

Mechanical Engineering Research
Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences

  • русский
  • english
Publications of monographs and scientific reference books by the leading scientists of the Dept.  in 2008-2010
1.  Makhutov N.A., Prochnost i bezopasnost. Fundamentalnye i prikladnye issledovaniya, Novosibirsk, Izdatelstvo “Nauka”, 2008, 528 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation:  Makhutov N.A., Strength and Safety. Basic and Applied Research, Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2008. - 528 p.
2.  Problemy prochnosti I bezopasnosti vodo-vodianykh energeticheskikh reaktorov, Pod redaktsiey N.A.Makhutova i M.M. Gadenina, M.: Nauka, 2008, - 446 str. (Published in Russian)// Translation: Problems of Strength and Safety of Water-Water Power Reactors (WWPR), Ed. by N.A. Makhutov and M.M. Gadenin, M.: Nauka, 2008 - 446 p.
3. Prochnost, resurs, zhivuchest I bezopasnost / Pod redaktsiey  N.A. Makhutova,  M.: Knizhny Dom "LIBROKOM", 2008. - 576 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation: Strength, Service Life, Vitality and Safety, Ed. by N.A. Mahutov, M .: "LIBROKOM" Book House, 2008. - 576 p.
4. Obespecheniye resursa i zhivuchesti vodo-vodianykh energeticheskikx reaktorov / Pod redaktsiey  N.A. Makhutova i M.M. Gadenina,  M.: Nauka, 2009. - 342 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation:
Providing Service Life and Survivability to Water-Water Power Reactors (WWPR), Ed. by N.A. Mahutov and M.M. Gadenin. M .: Nauka, 2009. - 342 p.
5. Analiz riska i povysheniye bezopasnosti vodo-vodianykh energeticheskikh reaktorov / Pod redaktsiey  N.A. Makhutova i M.M. Gadenina,  M.: Nauka, 2009. - 342 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation: Risk Analysis and Improving Safety of Water-Water Power Reactors (WWPR), Ed. by N.A. Makhutov and M.M. Gadenin. M.: Nauka, 2009. - 342 p.
6. Kaplunov S.M., Yavelov I.S., Danielyan G.L., Volokonno-opticheskiye izmeritelnye sistemy. Prikladnye zadachi, Izhevsk, Izhevskiy Institut Kompyuternykh Issledovaniy, 2010, 304 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation: Kaplunov S.M., Yavelov I.S., Danielyan G.L., Fiber-Optic Measurement Systems. Applications,  Izhevsk: Institute of Computer Science, 2010. - 304 c.
7. Razumovsky I., Interference-Optical Methods of Solid Mechanics/ Series: Foundations

of Engineering Mechanics, Springer. - 270 p.