Publications of monographs and scientific reference books by the leading scientists of the Dept. in 2008-2010
1. Makhutov N.A., Prochnost i bezopasnost. Fundamentalnye i prikladnye issledovaniya, Novosibirsk, Izdatelstvo “Nauka”, 2008, 528 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation: Makhutov N.A., Strength and Safety. Basic and Applied Research, Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2008. - 528 p.
2. Problemy prochnosti I bezopasnosti vodo-vodianykh energeticheskikh reaktorov, Pod redaktsiey N.A.Makhutova i M.M. Gadenina, M.: Nauka, 2008, - 446 str. (Published in Russian)// Translation: Problems of Strength and Safety of Water-Water Power Reactors (WWPR), Ed. by N.A. Makhutov and M.M. Gadenin, M.: Nauka, 2008 - 446 p.
3. Prochnost, resurs, zhivuchest I bezopasnost / Pod redaktsiey N.A. Makhutova, M.: Knizhny Dom "LIBROKOM", 2008. - 576 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation: Strength, Service Life, Vitality and Safety, Ed. by N.A. Mahutov, M .: "LIBROKOM" Book House, 2008. - 576 p.
4. Obespecheniye resursa i zhivuchesti vodo-vodianykh energeticheskikx reaktorov / Pod redaktsiey N.A. Makhutova i M.M. Gadenina, M.: Nauka, 2009. - 342 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation:
Providing Service Life and Survivability to Water-Water Power Reactors (WWPR), Ed. by N.A. Mahutov and M.M. Gadenin. M .: Nauka, 2009. - 342 p.
5. Analiz riska i povysheniye bezopasnosti vodo-vodianykh energeticheskikh reaktorov / Pod redaktsiey N.A. Makhutova i M.M. Gadenina, M.: Nauka, 2009. - 342 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation: Risk Analysis and Improving Safety of Water-Water Power Reactors (WWPR), Ed. by N.A. Makhutov and M.M. Gadenin. M.: Nauka, 2009. - 342 p.
6. Kaplunov S.M., Yavelov I.S., Danielyan G.L., Volokonno-opticheskiye izmeritelnye sistemy. Prikladnye zadachi, Izhevsk, Izhevskiy Institut Kompyuternykh Issledovaniy, 2010, 304 str. (Published in Russian) // Translation: Kaplunov S.M., Yavelov I.S., Danielyan G.L., Fiber-Optic Measurement Systems. Applications, Izhevsk: Institute of Computer Science, 2010. - 304 c.
7. Razumovsky I., Interference-Optical Methods of Solid Mechanics/ Series: Foundations
of Engineering Mechanics, Springer. - 270 p.