Structure and the Staff of the Department

Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of Sciences

Department of power engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes

Mechanical Engineering Research
Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences

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for english » Research Departments » Department of Theoretical and Applied Acoustics » Structure and the Staff of the Department

 The Department's Structure and Staff

The Department consists of two research laboratories.
In the Department there are enlisted two Sc. Ds., six Ph. Ds. The total number is 25 staff units.
1.Acoustic Modeling Laboratory
Sc. D. (Phys. & Maths.), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Yuriy I. Bobrovnitskiy is the Head of  this Lab.
 tel: 499 135 4048  E-mail:
2.Structural Acoustics Laboratory
Ph.D. (Engin.) Tatyana M. Tomilina is the Head of this Lab.
tel. 499 135 8070, fax 499 135 4074,e-mail: