Main Research Results and Achievements

Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of Sciences

Department of power engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanics and control processes

Mechanical Engineering Research
Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences

  • русский
  • english

 Main Research Results and Achievements

  • Magnetically controlled lubricants (MSM) with nano-sized ferro-phase and increased thermostability
  • The scientific fundamentals for increasing the orientation ability of the friction surface in the presence of thin diamond-like coatings have been developed. A computer model of a boundary lubricating layer formed on surfaces having orienting properties is being designed. (Research conducted at the Laboratory of Investigation of Wear at Boundary Lubrication of IMASH RAN jointly with the Chemical Department of the M. Lomonosov MGU).
  • The Sakhalin-2 Project is estimated to be the largest integrated oil and gas project ever undertaken in the world. Unprecedented for the industry is also the use of mobile supports in the connections between the base and the upper structures of the platform. The device (seismic insulators) helps to withstand the strongest earthquake - during the underground shocks and tremors, the movable supports allow the elements of the structure to swing gently from side to side, protecting them from destruction. Simultaneously, the supports compensate for wave, ice and temperature loads on the equipment of the upper structure. The central support element is a thin anti-friction composite gasket (~ 3: 5 mm), on the condition of which depends the operating capacity of the entire device, calculated for its service lifetime of 30 years.
  • An experimental-calculation methodology is developed for determining the service lifetime (using the dependence for determining the wear rate presented in the generalized variables) and the friction coefficients of cylindrical and spherical dry friction sliding bearings operating under swing and reverse motion. Comparison is conducted basing on the results obtained according to the developed methodological and experimental data, which showed satisfactory concord. The proposed formulas can be used for calculations at the stage of designing the tribo-conjugattions. Based on the solution of the thermal contact problem, a method is proposed for determining the temperature distribution law in the bushing of a sliding bearing (seismic isolator). The results of the conducted experiments confirmed the correctness of the theoretical estimates of the service life of the pendulum bearings, which previously made it possible to predict their reliable operation during their entire service lifetime of 30 years. The research was carried out jointly with the Laboratory of Friction Units for Extreme Conditions, using Grant of the RFFI in 2007-2009 No. 06-08-00363a, the Project Leader was Prof., Sc. D. (Engineering)Yury N. Drozdov.
  • The pilot-industrial technology of mechanical processing of ChSTs crystals for tribotechnical parts has been developed and experimental batches of parts made of crystals and ceramics have been manufactured: bearing sleeves for operation under extreme operating conditions; dies for calibration of wire of various sizes; medical products (surgical scalpels, dental implants).